Madden NFL 17 Comes With Remarkable Accessibility Improvements
Newest installment to the Madden family, Madden NFL 17, will come with improvements that are really important for those, who have sight impairments. The game releases this summer and it will have larger on-field graphics and colorblind support that will make it easier to see the Madden 17 game. As EA informed in its website, these new accessibility features will be a part of Visual Feedback screen in Settings menu.
There are number of new options in Settings menu, related to the Accessibility Improvements in Madden 17. First of all, there will be larger on-field graphics which means that such icons as tackle battles, catches and passes. Moreover, UI banners will also be larger but they will not cover too much of the screen. The kick meter is also larger and pinned to the screen. You can see how it looks here.
Some improvements were made for colorblind support as well in Madden 17. Special filters will cover the game so green, blue and red colorblindness is supported. And finally, Madden NFL 17 will have five levels of brightness and contrast added.
Madden NFL 17 will be released on August 23. It will be available for PS4 and Xbox One.
Recently, at EA’s E3 press conference, it was also announced that Madden NFL 17 will add Play the Moment to Franchise mode. This new feature will allow you to play only selected key moments like drives with only 2 minutes left, crucial punts and lead-changing field goals.
If you are interested to read more about E3 event, you will find all of the news from EA’s conference here. You can also check for more coverage in event hub here.